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HUM 250: Foundations in Western Culture: The Ancient Mediterranean

HUM 250: Foundations in Western Culture: The Ancient Mediterranean

In this class, we will explore the societies, cultures, and experiences of the peoples who lived on and around the ancient Mediterranean basin (c. 1000 BCE – 500 CE). We will focus on interconnectivity, conflict, and exchange among the ancient Persians, Greeks, Romans, and other societies. We will also examine the interrelationships among history and literary works; the fine arts; philosophical and religious thought and intellectual contexts; archaeology and conservation; ancient sports and spectacle; the ancient environment; and military history. This course may be used for general education credit.

Collection Highlights
Standing female figure-Tanagra type
Maker/Artist from Ancient Greece
Fifth or Fourth Century BCE
Ushabti (Tomb Servant)
Maker/Artist from Ancient Egypt
744-656 BC
Statuette of Tawaret
Maker/Artist from Ancient Egypt
c. 300 BCE